• +91-8882374594
  • 321, Vardhman Bahnhof Plaza, Sector 12, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078

Employees' Provident Fund

Employees' Provident Fund Compliances: -
  1. Obtaining EPF Registration / EPF Code Number.
  2. Preparation & submission of applicable Forms with the relevant EPF Office.
  3. Preparing EPF Challans & *Depositing monthly EPF Contributions on behalf of the establishment.
  4. Preparation & filing of periodical returns as may be required under EPF Act / Schemes.
  5. Preparation & Maintenance of Statutory Registers & Records as required under EPF Act / Schemes.
  6. Preparation & Maintenance of Inspection Note Book, Annual Contribution Statement, Pass Book.
  7. Assistance in ensuring / complying various provisions of the Act related to disclosures, notices, displays, deductions, forfeiture etc.
  8. Furnishing of particulars of change in ownership / management of the establishment.
  9. Formation of EPF Trust & Compliances thereof.
Support in EPF Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to EPF, pension scheme & insurance scheme.
  2. Assistance in preparation of contribution cards of employees.
  3. Assistance in Renewal of EPF Contribution Cards of covered employees.
  4. Assistance to employees in Withdrawals from EPF/ Transfer of EPF Accumulation.
  5. Assistance to employees of establishment in claiming widow pension, family pension, children pension under employee pension scheme.
  6. Assistance employees in claiming / obtaining superannuation pension.
  7. Assistance at the time of inspection /enquiries conducted under the Act.
  8. Correspondence / Liaising with concerned EPF Department / Office.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices / Demand Notices issued under EPF Act.
  2. Appearing before the concerned authorities on behalf of the establishments in show-cause / adjudication proceedings.
  3. Defending Prosecution Proceedings against the Management of the establishment.
  4. Drafting & filing of Review Applications under the Act.
  5. Drafting & filing of Appeal to Employees' Provident Fund Appellate Tribunal.

Employee State Insurance Act, 1948

Employees' State Insurance Compliances
  1. Obtaining ESI Registration / Coverage of factory or establishment.
  2. Obtaining ESI main code for coverable factory / establishment.
  3. Obtaining ESI Sub-Code No. for branch offices under their respective jurisdictions.
  4. Obtaining Employee Sate Insurance Number.
  5. Preparation & Submission of applicable declarations / forms.
  6. Registration of families under ESI Act.
  7. Preparing ESI Challans & Depositing ESI Contributions on behalf of the establishment.
  8. Intimating changes in members of the insured families.
  9. Preparation & filing of Periodical Returns as may be required under ESI Act / Rules.
  10. Preparation & Submission of Abstention Certification with appropriate ESI regional office.
  11. Preparation & Maintenance of Inspection Book, Accident Book etc.
  12. Preparation & Maintenance of Statutory Registers & Records as required under ESI Act / Rules.
  13. Furnishing of particulars of change in ownership / management of the establishment.
Support in ESI Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to ESI Act.
  2. Handling accidental claims under ESI Act.
  3. Assistance to employees in obtaining Employees' Identity Cards and their Family.
  4. Identity Cards & duplicate Identity Cards.
  5. Assistance to employees in claiming various ESI benefits.
  6. Assistance in preparation & submission of Certificate of Contribution whenever demanded by appropriate office under the ESI Act.
  7. Correspondence / Liaising with local ESI Department / Office.
  8. Assistance at the time of inspection / enquiries conducted under ESI Act.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices/ Demand Notices (Ad-hoc / Final) issued under the ESI Act.
  2. Appearing before the concerned authorities on behalf of the establishments in show-cause / adjudication proceedings under the ESI Act.
  3. Defending Prosecution Proceedings against the Management under the ESI Act.
  4. Defending proceedings against the establishment before Employees' State Insurance Courts.

Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970

Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 Compliances
  1. Obtaining Registration of Principal Employer Establishment under the Contract Labour Act.
  2. Obtaining Labour License for Contractors / Sub-contractors from the licensing authority.
  3. Amendments in Principal Employer's Registration / Labour License.
  4. Renewal of Labour License from time to time from the licensing authority.
  5. Preparation & filing of returns with registering / licensing authority.
  6. Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers as provided under the Contract Labour Act like Register of Contractors, Register of Workmen Employed by Contractor, Register of Wages, Register of Overtime, Register of Deductions, Register of Advances, Register of Fines etc.
  7. Assistance in preparation & maintenance of various records like Wage Slip, Muster Roll etc. as provided under the Contract Labour Act.
  8. Assistance in ensuring compliance of the provisions of the Contract Labour Act related to disclosures, notices, displays, deductions etc.
Support in Contract Labour Compliances:-
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on various issues pertaining to Contract Labour.
  2. Representing company in case of rejection / refusal / suspension / revocation of Principal Employer's Registration / Labour License.
  3. Obtaining duplicate copy of Certificate of Registration / Labour License.
  4. Assistance in issuance of Employment Cards to workmen / Service Certificates to workmen.
  5. Providing assistance to the Principal Employer / Contractors in complying the applicable provisions of the Contract Labour Act.
  6. Assistance at the time of inspection / enquiries conducted under the Contract Labour Act.
  7. Correspondence / Liaising with Labour Departments.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued under the Contract Labour Act.
  2. Appearing before the concerned authorities on behalf of the Principal Employer / Contractors in show-cause / adjudication proceedings.
  3. Defending Prosecution Proceedings against the Principal Employer / Contractors under the Contract Labour Act.
  4. Representing Principal Employer / Contractors before the Appellate Authority under the Contract Labour Act.

Labour Welfare Fund Act

Labour Welfare Fund Act Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Labour Welfare Fund.
  2. Preparation & Submission of notice of opening of establishment with Welfare Commissioner.
  3. Intimating from time to time changes in details of establishment to the Welfare Commissioner.
  4. Depositing Contribution to Labour Welfare Funds on behalf of establishments.
  5. Preparation & Submission of statement of Employer's Contribution and Employees' Contribution with Welfare Commissioner.
  6. Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers like Register of Wages, Register of Unclaimed Wages, Register of Fines etc.
  7. Preparation & Submission of periodical Returns with Welfare Commissioner.
  8. Preparation & Submission of extract of Registers with Welfare Commissioner.
  9. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Inspector / Welfare Commissioner.
  10. Representing establishments before Inspector.
  11. Assistance to establishments at the time of inspection and search of any premises by the Inspector;
  12. Representing establishments at the time of enquiries conducted by the Inspector.
Support in Contract Labour Compliances​:-
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on various issues pertaining to Contract Labour.
  2. Representing company in case of rejection / refusal / suspension / revocation of Principal Employer's Registration / Labour License.
  3. Obtaining duplicate copy of Certificate of Registration / Labour License.
  4. Assistance in issuance of Employment Cards to workmen / Service Certificates to workmen.
  5. Providing assistance to the Principal Employer / Contractors in complying the applicable provisions of the Contract Labour Act.

Shops & Establishments Act

Shops & Establishments Act Compliance
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the Act.
  2. Registration of Shops and Establishments under the Act.
  3. Obtaining Duplicate Registration Certificate in case of loss or mutilation of original Registration Certificate.
  4. Intimating changes in details of Shops and Establishments / Occupier to the concerned authorities under the Act.
  5. Assistance to establishments in complying various provisions of the Act related to Working Hours, Rest Hours, Employment of Women, Weekly Holiday, Payment of Wages, Deduction from Wages, Leave, Employment Letter, Opening and Closing Hours of Shops & Establishments etc.
  6. Assistance to establishments in complying various provisions of the Act related to Display, Notices, and Disclosures.
  7. Preparation and Maintenance of various Records, various Registers like Register of Fines, Register of Deductions, Register of Employment, Register of Wages, records as prescribed under the Act.
  8. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Inspector.
  9. Representing Shops / Establishments before Inspector.
  10. Assistance to establishments at the time of inspection and search of any Shop / Establishment by the Inspector.
  11. Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by Inspector.

Factories Act, 1948

Factories Act, 1948 Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the Act.
  2. Obtaining Registration of factories under the Act.
  3. Appeal to Central Government / State Government against refusal to grant permission to site, construction or extension of a factory or to the registration and licensing of a factory by State Government / Chief Inspector.
  4. Assistance in issuing Identity Cards to workers.
  5. Preparation & Submission of notices with Chief Inspector as and when required under the Act.
  6. Assistance in complying the duties of occupier / manufacturer as prescribed under the Act.
  7. Assistance in complying various provisions of the Act related to safety, health & welfare of the workers.
  8. Ensuring / Assistance in complying various provisions of the Act related to disclosures, notices, displays etc.
  9. Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers & Records as provide under the like Register of Adult Workers, Register of Child Workers Register of Compensatory Holiday, Humidity Register, Register of Wages, Register of Leave with wages, etc. & Submissions of various forms, returns & reports from time to time as prescribed under the Act.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / satisfying Show Cause Notices.
  2. Representing occupier / manufacturer before Inspector.
  3. Assistance at the time of inspection and search of any factory by Inspector.
  4. Representing occupier / manufacturer at the enquiries conducted by the inspector.
  5. Drafting & filing of appeal to Appellate Authority.
  6. Representing occupier / manufacturer before Appellate Authority.

Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Payment of Wages.
  2. Ensuring / assisting in complying with the provisions of the act related to disclosures, notices, displays, fines, deductions etc.
  3. Maintenance of various Registers & Records as provided under the Act.
  4. Replying / satisfying show Cause notices issued by Inspector.
  5. Representing the factory / establishments before Inspector.
  6. Assistance at the time of inspection and search of any premises by Inspector.
  7. Representing factory / establishments at the inquiries conducted by the inspector.
  8. Representing factory / establishments before the authority appointed by the Appropriate Government.
  9. Drafting & filing appeal before the District Court against the order of authority appointed by Appropriate Government.

Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Minimum Wages.
  2. Assistance in payment of minimum wages at such rate as applicable in concerned states.
  3. Assistance in complying with the various provisions of the act related to normal working hours, rest, overtime, night shifts etc.
  4. Ensuring / Assistance in complying with the various provisions of the act related to disclosures, notices, displays, fines, deductions etc.
  5. Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers like Register of Fines, Register of Overtime, Register of Wages, Register of Deductions etc. as provided under the act.
  6. Preparation & Maintenance of various records, wage slip, muster roll & Submission of Annual Return as provided under the Act.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices.
  2. Representing employer before Inspector / Appropriate Government.
  3. Assistance to companies at the time of inspection and search of any premises by Inspector.
  4. Representing employer at the enquiries conducted by inspector.
  5. Representing employer before the authority appointed by the Appropriate Government with regard to claims related to payment less than minimum rate of wages.

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to payment of bonus.
  2. Assistance in treatment of available surplus / allocable surplus like set-on, set-off, carry forward & calculation of accurate amount of bonus.
  3. Obtaining permissions from Labour Commissioner from time to time for various purposes as may be provided under the act like change in accounting year etc.
  4. Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers like Register of Allocable Surplus, Register of set on & set off of Allocable Surplus, Register of Bonus etc. as provided under the act.
  5. Preparation & Submission of Annual return as prescribed under the act.
Legal Support
  1. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Inspector.
  2. Representing establishments before Inspector.
  3. Assistance to establishments at the time of inspection and search of any premises by Inspector.
  4. Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by the inspector.

Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 Compliances
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Payment of Gratuity.
  2. Obtaining Registration of establishment with the Controlling Authority.
  3. Assistance in calculating the amount of gratuity payable to an employee.
  4. Assistance in obtaining appropriate Gratuity Plan from insurance companies for meeting the liability of employer towards payment of gratuity.
  5. Formation of Approved Gratuity Fund.
  6. Preparation & Submission of notices with the Controlling Authority in case of change in name, address, nature of business of establishment.
  7. Intimation to Controlling Authority from time to time as may be required under the Act.
  8. Obtaining permissions from Controlling Authority from time to time as may be required under the Act.
  9. Assistance in payment of contribution to the Approved Gratuity Fund.
  10. Preparation & Submission of nomination forms with the Controlling Authority.
  11. Submission of amendment in nominations.
  12. Assistance in payment of gratuity to employees.
  13. Preparation & filing of returns with the Controlling Authority;
  14. Assistance in ensuring compliance of various provisions of the act related to disclosures, notices, displays, deductions, forfeiture etc;
  15. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Inspector / Controlling Authority;
  16. Representing the establishments before Inspector / Controlling Authority;
  17. Assistance at the time of inspection and search of any premises by Inspector;
  18. Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by the inspector;
  19. Representing establishments before the Appellate Authority.

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Industrial Disputes Act.
  2. Assistance to the Management in the proceedings of Works Committees, Conciliation Officers, Boards of Conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals, Arbitration.
  3. Preparing Proposal on behalf of the Management to be placed during the process of Mediation / Collective Bargaining.
  4. Representing Management in the process of Industrial Dispute Resolution such as Mediation / Collective Bargaining with Trade Unions.
  5. Negotiating on behalf of the Management against the claims of the Trade Unions.
  6. Assisting in the process of Industrial Dispute Resolution upon invitation of the parties to act as independent 3rd Party in the event of requirement of professional reference.
  7. Drafting of Collective Agreements.
  8. Professional assistance in Conciliation / Mediation between the Management and the Workmen in the event of Labour Crisis / Industrial Disputes.
  9. Assistance in setting-up of 'Grievance Settlement Authority'.
  10. Assistance to the Management in ensuring / complying various provisions of the Act related to disclosures, notices, displays, etc.
  11. Assistance in furnishing notice of change in employment conditions.
  12. Assistance in Reopening of Closed Undertakings.
  13. Assistance in settling compensation issues in case of transfer of undertakings.
  14. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued under the Act.
  15. Assisting the Management during the Inquiries conducted under the Act.
  16. Filing / defending Appeals under the Act.

Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923

Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the act.
  2. Drafting of Apprenticeship Contract.
  3. Registration of apprenticeship contract with Apprenticeship Advisor.
  4. Preparation & Maintenance of such Registers & Records as prescribed under the Act.
  5. Preparation & Submission of Returns as prescribed under the Act
  6. Assistance in fulfilling the obligations as provided under the Act or under the contract of apprentice.
  7. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by Apprenticeship Advisor.
  8. Representing establishments before Apprenticeship Advisor.
  9. Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by the Apprenticeship Advisor
  10. Appeal to Apprenticeship Council against the order of Apprenticeship Advisor

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the act.
  2. Drafting of Industrial Standing Orders in conformity with the provisions of the Act
  3. Submission of standing orders with Certifying Officer
  4. Modification of standing orders
  5. Obtaining certified copy of standing orders related to an industrial establishment from Certifying Officer
  6. Assistance to establishments in complying various provisions of the Act related to notices, disclosures, displays, intimation etc.
  7. Preparation & Maintenance of such records as prescribed under the Act
  8. Appeal to Appellate Authority against the order of Certifying Authority

Legislative Authority

Legislative Authority
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments
  2. Registration / Enrolment under Professional Tax
  3. Assistance in complying various provisions under the Acts
  4. Assistance in deduction and payment of Professional Tax
  5. Preparation & Filing of periodical returns
  6. Application for Rectification of mistakes
  7. Assistance in recovery proceedings
  8. Assistance in claiming Refunds of excess payments
  9. Assistance at the time of inspection of accounts & documents and search of premises
  10. Appeal to Appellate Authorities
  11. Revision of orders passed by the Appellate Authorities
  12. Compounding of Offences

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
  1. Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to the act.
  2. Obtaining Registration of establishment under the Act
  3. Assistance in determination of maternity benefit to be provide under the Act
  4. Assistance in payment of maternity benefit to employee as per the provisions of the Act
  5. Assistance in payment of medical bonus to employee as per the provisions of the Act
  6. Assistance to establishments in complying the provisions of the Act related to notices, disclosures, displays, facilities to be provided etc.
  7. Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued by the Inspector
  8. Representing the establishments before the Inspector
  9. Assistance at the time of inspection and search of any premises by Inspector
  10. Representing establishments at the enquiries conducted by the Inspector

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